




正當國內八吋晶圓蓬勃發展之際,潘文淵先生卻於民國八十四年元月悄然離開人間。 潘公生前時刻不忘微電子、積體電路與個人電腦工業以及相關科技在台灣的發展,為了感念潘公對我國電子工業的貢獻,以及對華裔子弟科技教育的關懷,爰經由工業技術研究院電子工業研究所(簡稱ERSO)、美洲技術顧問團 (簡稱TAC) 及台積電、聯華電子、華邦電子與胡定華先生等相關業界先進共襄盛舉,發起捐款成立「財團法人潘文淵文教基金會」,務期潘公協助我國電子產業發展之精神能夠長存人間。


In the past four decades, the rapid economic progress in Taiwan spurred by the industrial growth has attracted worldwide attention.
The electronics industry, especially the integrated circuits part of it, has played a vital role in this remarkable period. Among the founders of Taiwan's IC industry, Dr. Pan Wen Yuan is the most memorable. An engineer-scientist with a distinguished career in U. S., he drafted up a development plan and worked tirelessly to promote it. The support from Sun Yun-Suan, then Minister of Economic Affairs, led to the launch of this industry in the mid-seventies. As the industry went through several important stages of evolution, Dr. Pan was there to offer help and guidance time after time.
Dr. Pan passed away in January 1995, shortly after his beloved industry in Taiwan established advanced 8-inch wafer processing capabilities and became recognized as among the world leaders in manufacturing technology. During his last years, his thought was constantly with the development of electronics, integrated circuits, and personal computer technologies in Taiwan. To show gratitude to Dr. Pan for his contribution to the electronics industry and to share his concern about the technical education of Chinese descendants, the Electronics Research and Service Organization (ERSO) and the Technical Advisory Committee of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), together with many industrial leaders, jointly set up the "Pan Wen Yuan Foundation" (hereinafter referred to as "the Foundation")in 1996. It is hoped the operation of the Foundation will serve to commemorate him in perpetuity.